Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Spring Day...let the Challenge begin...

On September 1, 1971, I was doing my National Service in Pretoria.
We were on manouveres in the bush when we heard that
Spring Day was going to be celebrated...with a day off we thought.
How wrong we were!
We crawled, we ran, we did exercises and we complained.

Come to think of it, not to dissimilar from the
#Movemore 30 Day Challenge that has just been completed.
Back in '71, we were young and bulletproof,
now, all these years later, I am back running and jumping to celebrate.
But I am celebrating more than just the day or the season,
I am celebrating a whole new lifestyle.

The leaves that were brown and dusty just a few days ago,
have made way for....

This "SPLASH" of colour.
Our garden is awash in the scent of Jasmine.

My new Spring look...
A visit to my local barber took care of that.

My "boss", who despite a series of incidents and altercations
has stood by me as I have done my exercises.
He even features in one or two of the videos that I published.

This is my motto.
I carry it with me in my wallet and look at it on a daily basis.
We are often our own worst enemy...
And what is more, is that we
listen to that negative voice in our ears.

Given the change of season,
there might be less of this...

And more of THIS...over the next few months.

These have seen more road use in the past few months
than they have in the past 2 years.
I have completed one 21.1km run
and my second will take place in November.

It would be great to be part of a team,
and I was for the first two challenges.
This time, "all by myself"...
My "team name" will be announced closer to my heat.

So many in the SG community have contributed to my success.
From 'likes' to comments and so much more in between.
I have said it before, and I will say it again.
The SG community ROCKS!
When there is doom and gloom elsewhere,
I pay a visit to  'our' FB page to seek solace.
So thanks to ALL of you for your comments and your commitment.

A special mention to my daughter Jayne,
without whom my transformation would not have been possible.
It was her commitment to herself than made me accept her proposal
that we do the 30 Day Healthy Habits Challenge together.
And the rest, as they say is history.
She has totally reinvented herself and has set both short term
and long term goals as far as her health at physique is concerned.
I salute you...

My wife just watches and sometimes shakes her head.
She has seen me start and fail at training schedules before.
But hopefully this time the change will be for life.
I have less years in front of me than I have behind,
and for that reason I intend to make the most of them.

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