Sunday, January 22, 2017

30 day Healthy Habits Challenge.

Raise a paw if you have completed all the tasks set for this Challenge so far.
I started a few days late, but I am catching up steadily.
For those who are first time participants,
I trust that you are finding each day challenging but not taxing.
And remember there are no "fails"...
there are only "opportunities to try again".

For those who wondered how to block out the light on Day 12,
this was my solution to that Challenge.
I am certain that many of you have one of these in a drawer.

Day 14...I got my 50 push-ups done...
and then I did another 22.
The reason being that even though I have completed the 22-for-22 push-up Challenge,
 for PTSD sufferers, I still do a set every morning,
no matter what the daily challenge is

On Sunday I went out for a long run 
and with about 1km and a hill to go my watch battery DIED .
You can see that there is no line between the red and green dots.
But I did make it home.
I had planned to do Westcliff Stairs,but that was cancelled,
and the route that I ran (more by accident than design)
contained MORE than enough hills to make up for the lack of stairs.

Seeing that I work from home,
getting 10000 steps in is not easy.
I have set my daily quota at 8000 and even THAT is often not obtained.
Obviously on a run day, I am able to achieve the steps required.

We start this week at Day 15...
I would like to take this opportunity to say how much
 each and every member of our SG community means to me.

If the Healthy Habits Challenge is not enough,
Everey Monday I receive an email from Eric that contains the
Monday's movement mission... 
Yes I can!
And YOU can too.
The age old question
"How do you eat an elephant"..."one piece at a time"...
applies to the tasks set in this challenge as well.
Need to do 50 push-ups?
5 sets of 10 sounds easier to achieve.
And a tip...
In the final set count backwards, 10 down to 1,
psychologically it makes it seem that there are less to do. 

My commitment to myself for 2017.
And YES, there will be Burpees!

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