Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday thoughts...

It is almost time for the Summer 2017 edition of 
this awesome Challenge.
It will give you an opportunity to challenge yourself
 and set goals that will enable you to 
become "the best you you can be"

Not only are the leaders like Elan and Eric inspirational,
I found that the SG community as a whole to be caring and supportive.
Having a tough day? Need some motivation?
Then visit the most positive Facebook pages around:

Thanks to my daughter, Jayne, I have been a member of SG since March 2016.
As a direct result of my involvement,I have regained my confidence
 and it has made me a more caring and considerate human being.
Have I achieved all of my goals?
Have I achieved the majority of what I set out to do?
The answer to that is a resounding "YES".

Monday Motivation
We all aspire to be "that" person who is our inspiration.
Can we all achieve it? Perhaps not.
But by being a member of this fraternity, 
we give ourselves better odds.
On Sunday, 29/01/2017 I ran the Johnson Crane Half Marathon.
I ran with a great "bus" that was driven by Oscar, a man who is almost exactly half my age...
and we ran every step of the way side by side.
My finish was not nearly as fast as the time I set for my first half marathon back in 1982,
but I was 35 years younger then!
I have set myself the goal of breaking 2:20 during the course of 2017.
And having been close in 2016 (2:22) I know that it can be achieved.

This was the medal and the badge that I got for running the same race back in 1982.
The course was slightly different, and I ran it as a full marathon.
But having done 53 marathons during a 12 year period,
I feel that I have earned the right to keep to the half marathon distances.

The medal has come a long way in the intervening years!
My running goal for 2017 is to complete a half marathon a month.

We start this week at Day 22...
I would like to have done the burpees, but my legs are still feeling the effects
of the 21.1km run that I did on Day 21.
Given that I did 21 on Day 21, I wish I had run it in 2:21...

Yes I can!
And YOU can too.
The age old question
"How do you eat an elephant"..."one piece at a time"...
applies to the tasks set in this challenge as well.
Need to do 50 push-ups?
5 sets of 10 sounds easier to achieve.
And a tip...
In the final set count backwards, 10 down to 1,
psychologically it makes it seem that there are less to do. 

Elan and I at the SG dinner in Johannesburg in 2016.
I look forward to the fisrt dinner in 2017 with eager anticipation.

This is my commitment to myself,
and by extension to my family as well.
There will be burpees and there will be days that I don't feel like training
or eating clean...but I will persevere!

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