Sunday, July 23, 2017

PN Coaching, my personal journey. Week 2 in review.

Did I do my habit this week?
Hell Yea!
The habit has become something of a habit,
and I make certain that it is completed before I do anything else in the morning.

My start to Week 2. Again , not what I was expecting at all!
I am aware of how this coaching works, and I know that habits can be either good or bad.
That being said, getting back into my road running is an important (for me anyway) habit.
This morning I got dressed in all my running kit, set my watch then opened our front door.
..and discovered what the outdoor temperature REALLY was.
Suffice to say that the run was immediately abandoned and
I headed off to my WARM gym and a workout there.
So my task was completed as I did not waste any time.

Still "working" at 22h00...
But I love what I do, so is it really work?

The weather did warm...slightly,
which meant that outside exercise was on the cards

Nothing like a run to get the blood pumping
and the mind clear and ready for the day ahead.
So, what have I learned this week?
It has been enforced that this is not a race, but a journey.
If I stumble, I have the opportunity to pick myself up
and start the next day with a clean slate.
I have learned to be kind to myself.
I have discovered that I don't need constant affirmation from others 
as I can empower myself.
I am my own worst enemy most of the time.
I can validate my own achievements.
AND, most importantly...
the who, what and why of this PN course,
and its importance to me and those I love.

Here I am,on a cold Sunday evening...
preparing for the week ahead.

Free Trial with Sleekgeek Coaching

If you are interested in creating healthy habits, change and a lifetime of health then here is an offer you cannot ignore. 

SG set up a "trial" for a limited amount of people where they get to try the first month of Group Coaching with us for only R10 rather than the full price of R299. The R10 is simply an admin fee in order to enroll you in the system and SG will be donating the trial fee to a charity as a way of paying things forward.

Read more about the Sleekgeek Healthy Habit Coaching Program and how to take up the special offer here:


Yes I can!
And YOU can too.
The age old question
"How do you eat an elephant"..."one piece at a time"...
applies to the tasks set in this challenge as well.
Need to do 50 push-ups?
5 sets of 10 sounds easier to achieve.
And a tip...
In the final set count backwards, 10 down to 1,
psychologically it makes it seem that there are less to do. 

This is my commitment to myself,
and by extension to my family as well.
There will be Burpees and there will be days that I don't feel like training
or eating clean...
but I will persevere!

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