Let it begin...
It seems that I have to respond to the Bat signal as THIS landed in my in box this morning. Day 1? Hi Ho, Hi ho, lets get this party started shall we? Have a great week all.
Day 1:
My lesson today was 'time'. And I think that I handled it very well. I have to say that it was not what I was expecting, given the other challenges I have done. But I do understand that the base habits are important to long term goals. That being said, the 45 minutes I wasted at the Johannesburg Licensing department could have been spent more productively. But, I made the best of it and left with smile and no license...it has to be re-ordered, and I need to return in three weeks. My food intake today was also more controlled. Fruit,veg and ostrich steak for supper. And I went to gym this morning. All in all a productive and invigorating day. Now to bed, as I have to be up early to see what Day 2 holds in store for me.
Thoughts on Day 2:
This morning I was thinking about the concept of "time". Does the PN coaching mean "time" in the dictionary definition, or could it be something more philosophical. We all complain that we don't have enough "time", yet each of us have the same number of hours in a day. What we do with them is what causes us to lose "time". We surround ourselves with electronic devices that are supposed to save us those elusive minutes,seconds, and hours. But do they? I don't believe that they do. We waste precious time by giving our attention to Facebook, Instagram and the like. Do they add to our day? Or do they distract from our allotted daily time? Why do we allow that to happen? How many times have you said "The day just ran away from me"? (My hand is up!) Why did we allow that to occur? Because we needed an excuse at the end of the day for not achieving our goals? It almost happened to me today. When the PN email arrived this morning I was so busy with my Blog and Facebook that I was about to leave it for later. Then I stopped myself, closed all the open windows that would distract me and listened and read the daily task. The (relatively) few minutes that it took set me on the right path for the rest of the day. I intend to try and make this part of my habit...and relying less and less on Apps for what might be seen as validation. It is not always easy, but it will take a conscious effort on my part to make the most of every minute of every day. Procrastination is the thief that robs us in broad daylight and we don't even notice that our space is being invaded. We have alarms to protect us in our homes, so too should we have an internal alarm that makes us aware when our "time" is being stolen. I am grateful and blessed.
This is how I started off Day 3!
It is the first time that I have run a morning 5km in a long while.
Some months ago, I got really ill and that
put me back as far as training was concerned.
It was also winter is South Africa, which was not conducive
to getting up in the pitch dark to regain my fitness levels.
But now that my feet are firmly on this new path,
I am "making time" to exercise, despite my own protestations.
This is how my day began. The first time that I have run 5km since being sick! Not a great time(for me currently) but I was looking for distance rather than speed.
But why am I posting a running picture on this coaching page? I will tell you why.It was part of my "time" today. I was not going to run, but I had scheduled it, just like some other tasks that I had to get through...and I did. Time has always been an issue for me. As I child it was drummed into me to be early rather than on time. Being late, even by 1 minute was never an option. Over the years I have rebelled to the point where I would be late on purpose, just to prove that I could. That anarchic stage has now passed and I find myself in a better place...time wise. One where I am in control and aware. This "time" task is merely re-enforcing that fact.
Not a good day mentally.
Just one of those days where I asked "WHY".
And that was for all aspects of my life currently.
Was I able to answer myself, not really.
But what it DID do was allow me to focus on what makes me feel this way.
Is it of my own making or am I allowing outside influences to distract me?
And the conclusions that I came to...
Just a stone in the road, tomorrow WILL dawn brighter
and I WILL be able to see the context of what made me feel this way.
Hindsight is always 20/20...
Day 5 dawned and turned out to be better than Day 4.
Part of my "time" was to look back at how far I have come.
Both with and without the help of SG.
That being said, I would not have maintained what I have
where it not for the support of this on-line community.
I have found that my "task-for-the-day" arrives at roughly the same time every morning.
This is itself has entrenched the time habit.
I open, and do the tasks immediately.
It gives me a sense of accomplishment that prepares me for the rest of the day
For those who are wondering if this coaching is only about 'time',
it is not...but to find out the rest, what not take advantage of the FREE month.
But a pleasant surprise never the less.
Today was the day I had been dreading...
Time for images and measurements!
I have to admit that I was surprised by what the tale of the tape told me.
And in a positive way!
Why do we all believe the negative things that we continue to tell ourselves?
Is it not "time" to take control and celebrate who and what we are?
I think that it is...
And, just like that Week 1 comes to an end.
Certainly the coaching was NOT what I was expecting,
but it has reinforced my feelings about healthy habits.
Or any habits for that matter.
Do them long enough and they become second nature.
Like breathing, you don't even have to think about doing them...
they just happen.
Make the most of each day...
The time for me this past week was well utilized.
I look at my calendar and every task on every day has been ticked off.
A gentle Sunday planned as I prepare for the new week.
I am excited about what lies ahead,
and how each week will bring me closer to my goal.
Free Trial with Sleekgeek Coaching
If you are interested in creating healthy habits, change and a lifetime of health then here is an offer you cannot ignore.
SG set up a "trial" for a limited amount of people where they get to try the first month of Group Coaching with us for only R10 rather than the full price of R299. The R10 is simply an admin fee in order to enroll you in the system and SG will be donating the trial fee to a charity as a way of paying things forward.
"How do you eat an elephant"..."one piece at a time"...
applies to the tasks set in this challenge as well.
5 sets of 10 sounds easier to achieve.
In the final set count backwards, 10 down to 1,
psychologically it makes it seem that there are less to do.
This is my commitment to myself,
and by extension to my family as well.
There will be Burpees and there will be days that I don't feel like training