I have always aspired to be 2m tall and have the body of a Mens Health cover model.
It did not happen when I was in my 20/30's and at 63,
I am certainly not the "face" of that magazine.
Does it stop me from dreaming about that?
Not really...but I do know that in order to even get close,
work has to be done.
So who do I turn to for inspiration?
The SG group for a start, but more than that,
there are individuals within the group that have achieved more than I ever will.
But, that being said, those are their goals.
Mine, I have learned are different and I have achieved several of them already.
My problem, and I am certain that I am NOT alone,
is that I keep moving my own goal posts!
Let me just drop another kg, lose a couple more cm's
and perhaps shave a few minutes off my 5km time.
Why can I not set goals...and then stick to them?
Perhaps it is the society that we live in.
Many of us aspire to be "that celebrity"
that billionaire or perhaps only your next door neighbour who has a better car than you do.
Each of us struggle with our own demons
I am still doing 22 push-ups per day for those who suffer from PTSD.
I am still in awe of those who have "achieved",
but they too often have a dark side...or an illness that no amount of money can cure.
When I first joined this community, I was seen by some as inspirational.
Not necessarily by me, but by the community.
Perhaps it was my age or perhaps it was the fact that I was returning
to road running after a lay off of more than 20 years.
I did not set out to inspire. I set out to get myself healthy again.
Inspiration was perhaps a by product of my quest.
Due to illness, I have not been very active on any of the group
Facebook pages for the past few months.
This is about to change...and perhaps for somewhat selfish reasons.
I need to be inspired by the group in order to get back
to where I was, fitness wise, in April 2017.
What do I aspire to currently?
Running the Old Eds half marathon in August...
I have realized that it will take me that length of time to get fit once again.
However, I will not allow that to deter me.
I have done it before
and I can do it again!
I started doing the Monday challenge again.
But instead of trying and "failing",
I have reset Eric's goalposts.
Makes the numbers easier to achieve currently
and at the same time I allow myself to "hurt"...just a little.
For instance, I forgot just how long one minute was when planking!
I did take my clothes off in a public space,
when I participated in the Hollard DARE Devil Run.
A first for me in many ways, not least of which was running through
the streets of Johannesburg in a Speedo.
But, running with 3500 other men (of all shapes and sizes)
was truly inspirational and liberating.
Why liberating"? I hear you ask...
Because it is at events like this where you realize that NO-ONE really cares
what you look like!
You body image is your own...and that is what you need to change.
Your own perception of how you believe people see you.
My thoughts post race
Watch the video:
Yes I can!
My continuing commitment to myself for 2017.